Cover Te Deum-Vertonungen K 271 und L 35

Ramona Hocker / Robert Klugseder, hg. vom Institut für kunst- und musikhistorische Forschungen an der ÖAW: Te Deum-Vertonungen K 271 und L 35, Wien: Hollitzer Verlag, 2017 (= Johann Joseph Fux Werke A/IV/1), 200 S., 24,5 x 33 cm, Deutsch mit englischer Übersetzung, Hardcover

ISBN 978-3-99012-435-2 (hbk) € 189,90
ISBN 978-3-99012-436-9 (pdf) € 179,99
ISMN 979-0-50270-003-4

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Ramona Hocker , Robert Klugseder

Te Deum-Vertonungen K 271 und L 35

In the Baroque era, the Te Deum was sung at important dynastic and political events such as coronations, weddings, baptisms, and victories. This volume contains the first modern edition of two Te Deum settings by Johann Joseph Fux (ca. 1660-1741) who was employed as composer and chapel master at the Imperial court in Vienna. Fux probably wrote the five-part solemn Te Deum K 271 in 1704 during the War of the Spanish Succession. It was replayed over a long period of time on occasion of dynastic events in Vienna, for example at the wedding of Archduchess Maria Theresia and Franz Stephan of Lotharingia in 1736. Copies preserved in Prague and Brno textify on behalf of the work's distribution outside of Vienna. On the other hand, no performance dates are known for the monumental Te Deum L 35 for double choir, the unique source of which is located in Prague. It was probably performed alongside the ringing of bells and the firing of salutes in the course of celebrations after an important military victory. The scientific edition of both compositions in supplemented by a critical apparatus and indications for performance practice. The historical context and the musical setting is extensively examined in the introduction. The scientific commentary is presented bilingually (German and English).

Informationen zur Reihe Johann Joseph Fux - Werke / Information about the series Johann Joseph Fux - Werke




Zum vorliegenden Band

Die Te Deum-Vertonungen von Fux im Wiener Kontext

Anlässe für das Te Deum K 271

Das Te Deum L 35

Anmerkungen zur Musik


Versstruktur und Musik

Vokal-instrumentale Dispositionen

Doppelchörigkeit und Alternieren

Gestaltung der Soli

Thematische Gestaltung der vokalen und instrumentalen Partien

Reaktion auf Textinhalte


Introduction to this Volume

Fux's Te Deum Settings in the Viennese Context

The Te Deum K 271
The Te Deum L 35

Remarks on the Music

Formal Disposition

Verse Structure and the Music

Disposition of Voices and Instruments

Double Ensembles and Alternation

The Design of the Solos

Thematic Structures in the Vocal and Instrumental Parts

Treatment of the Text


Abbilung / Images


Notenteil / Score

Te Deum K 271 (FuxWV IV. 15.4)

Te Deum L 35 (FuxWV IV.15.6)


Kritischer Bericht

1. Hinweise zur Übertragung und Anmerkungen zur Aufführungspraxis

Zur Editionsmethode

2. Te Deum K 271

Einzelanmerkungen zu K 271

3. Te Deum L 35

Einzelanmerkungen zu L 35


Critical Report

1. Remarks on the Transcription and Notes on the Performance Practice

Editorial Method

2. Te Deum K 271

Individual Notes to K 271

3. Te Deum L 35

Individual Notes to L 35


Abkürzungsverzeichnis / Abbrevations

Konkordanz der Werkverzeichnisnummern / Concordance of the Work Numbers