Cover Giunone placata Fux WV II.2.19 (K 316)

Alexander Rausch: Giunone placata Fux WV II.2.19 (K 316), hg. vom Institut für kunst- und musikhistorische Forschungen an der ÖAW, Wien: Hollitzer Verlag, 2018 (= Johann Joseph Fux Werke B/I/1), 144 S., 24,5 x 33 cm, Deutsch mit englischer Übersetzung, Hardcover

ISBN 978-3-99012-474-1 (hbk) € 190,00
ISBN 978-3-99012-475-8 (pdf) € 179,99
ISMN 979-5-50270-007-2

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Alexander Rausch

Giunone placata Fux WV II.2.19 (K 316)

Elisabeth Christine, the wife of Emperor Charles VI, celebrated her name day in 1725 with the festa teatrale Giunone placata (‘Juno placated’), composed by Johann Joseph Fux (ca. 1660–1741). The fi rst edition of this one-act work – one of the last of Fux’s twenty-one documented dramatic works – opens the sub-series B/I “Opera” of the Fux edition.

The libretto is based on an ancient episode in which Juno, out of jealousy, temporarily leaves her husband Jupiter – in order to find her way back to him with the help of Venus and Mercury. For the title role in this performance, the famous prima donna Faustina Bordoni was engaged by the Viennese court. Fux composed some of his most beautiful arias for her and the other protagonists, creating musical solutions inspired by the emotionally complex text. As in his other dramatic works, the instrumental accompaniment offers surprises in terms of quality of sound.
The first scientific edition of this opera is presented with detailed source descriptions and a critical apparatus. Notes on performance practice supplement the musical text. The music-historical introduction (in German and English) contains further information on the first performance, the context and the musical structure of the work. The Italian libretto is printed as a facsimile and in a bilingual translation (German/English).

Informationen zur Reihe Johann Joseph Fux - Werke / Information about the series Johann Joseph Fux - Werke





Literarhistorische Einleitung von Alfred Noe

Literary historical introduction by Alfred Noe


Musikhistorische Einleitung

Zur Erstaufführung 1725

Der musikhistorische Kontext

Zum Stoff der Festa teatrale

Zur musikalischen Gestaltung


Music-historical introduction

On the first performance 1725

The music-historical context

On the subject of the festa teatrale

Musical structure and meaning


Abbildungen / Images


Notenteil / Score

Argomento – Personaggi

Verzeichnis der Musiknummern / List of music numbers


Kritischer Bericht


Hinweise zur Aufführungspraxis



Critical report

Description of sources

Remarks on performance practice

Detailed proofs




Libretto – deutsche Übersetzung von Alfred Noe

Libretto – English version


Abkürzungsverzeichnis / Abbreviations