Open Access Conditions

Open Access
Open Access means that students, academics and of course all interested recipients in general have unrestricted online access to the electronic edition (usually PDF e-books) of academic publications without being prevented from doing so by a pay-wall. Publishing in Open Access and the associated unrestricted access increases the dissemination possibilities for scientific publications many times over.

Hollitzer Verlag supports the Open Access policy of the European Reseach Council and the FWF (Austrian Science Fund) and guarantees immediate open access to books and book chapters that have undergone appropriate quality control and have been peer-reviewed or that have been produced with the support of the relevant research funding.

Our academic publications are generally published in print and digitally and made freely accessible, taking into account legal and economic possibilities.

The content of your Hollitzer Open Access publication is, of course, provided with an ISBN as well as being clearly identifiable on the web by a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number, even at chapter level. Hollitzer's collaboration with JSTOR  ensures a very high level of dissemination of the publication in scientific institutions worldwide.

Peer-review / quality control
To ensure that your open access publications meet the required standard, all our Open Access publications must have undergone appropriate institutional scientific quality control and/or a peer-review process.

Gold Open Access
The Open Access e-book edition is published simultaneously with the printed edition under the CreativeCommons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) or Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence.

Green Open Access
The Open Access e-book edition is published under the CreativeCommons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) or Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence after an embargoperiod to be agreed (usually 12 or 24 months).

If a publication is to be published Open Access, the rights for simultaneous Open Access archiving must be available. Authors should therefore ensure that the appropriate rights are obtained during the manuscript preparation phase, especially in the case of illustrations or third-party texts. This is stipulated in writing in the author contract.

If the publication is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the FWF will simultaneously archive the Open Access version of the publication in the FWF e-book library. The authors (the editors) must confirm their respective agreement to this to the FWF and the publisher. Of course, authors are free to publish their Open Access publication in the repositories of their own institution (university, academy, etc.) or any other institutional or subject-specific repository.

One of the following CreativeCommons licence models is used for OA archiving: Attribution (CC BY 4.0) or Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0).