Cover Telling Sounds

Elias Berner / Matej Santi (eds.): Telling Sounds. Tracing Music History in Digital Media Archives, Wien: Hollitzer Verlag, 2023, 116 S., 17 x 24 cm, English, Softcover

ISBN 978-3-99094-002-0 (hbk) € 40,00
ISBN 978-3-99094-003-7 (pdf) Open Access

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Elias Berner , Matej Santi

Telling Sounds

Tracing Music History in Digital Media Archives

How are music and sound involved in the creation of audiovisual documents? What kind of quantitative and qualitative research permits the examination of music and, more generally, sound for Austrian (music) history on the basis of digitized audiovisual sources? These questions were approached in the interdisciplinary Digital Humanities project “Telling Sounds” at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst in Vienna.
This volume consists of various case studies conducted by the members of the team. The project’s main task was the conception and development of a Digital Humanities research tool: LAMA – Linked Annotations for Media Analysis. It was designed for the purpose of using machine-readable open data to annotate and link the ways in which music has been used and contextualized in different audio and audiovisual media texts in different times throughout Austrian history. Each of the case studies is dedicated to different genres of music, media texts, and events or timespans in history.

Contributions by Aylin Basaran | Elias Berner | Paul Gulewycz | Birgit Haberpeuntner | Julia Jaklin | Birgit Michlmayr | Peter Provaznik | Cornelia Szabó-Knotik | Meike Wilfing-Albrecht



Table of Contents

Cornelia Szabó-Knotik

Elias Berner and Matej Santi

Of Turtles, Owls and LAMAs:
Metadata Modelling in the Digital Humanities

Paul Gulewycz

Developing LAMA: Insights and Challenges
Peter Provaznik und Julia Jaklin

“Auf der Leinwand is’ alles leiwand”:
Film and Television through the Lens of the
Austria Wochenschau Newsreel

Aylin Basaran

Adjusting an Image?
The “Mahler-Renaissance” between Vienna and New York

Meike Wilfing-Albrecht

A Death of Two Viennas:
Counter-Temporalities in the Radio Live Coverage
of the Signing of the Austrian State Treaty

Elias Berner and Birgit Haberpeuntner

(De)Constructing Austropop:
Oral History Interviews about Popular Music from Austria
Meet Digital Analysis

Birgit Michlmayr